Congrats once again! It's my buddy wedding! He & his lovely bride came all the way down from Singapore to our shore to host his wedding buffet @ Tanah Merah last morning. But sadly I can't make it because I'm having some trouble to accompany my mom.
But in other hand I'm glad that I received a call from my buddy Brian in afternoon saying that there'll be a small birthday gathering for my buddy Kian Hwa. Ops, I've forgotten, it's his birthday! along with his wedding! So you can receive angpao and birthday cake + birthday wish! Clever decision eh. :))
So I met everyone @ Kemaman Kopitiam around 11pm, even though I heard they say meetup @ 10.30pm. I did arrive on time. :) Well, who's there? It's our twin Ms. Vivian Lee, Cheryln Gan, Brian & Wifey, Michael, Jun, Mr. Head, and Mr. Ruiyih & Gf were there too.
We did chat alot, bullshitings, cock-talking session, and yeah, there was alot, alot FIFA worldcup discussion too.. Talking about who's gonna win for the next game, Uruguay or France? I've totally got no idea about footballs, *mouth-zipped* But I guess Jun, Brian & Michael surely gonna place some heavy bet for this session.
So, that's all folks for tonight. It's 6 in the morning now, another sleepless again. :)
Hereby I wish my buddy Kian Hwa & Valarie's marriage last forever.. *Best Regards*
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